Washington - While Nancy Pelosi wonders if Donald Trump is still sane enough to act as President and while Joe Biden will most likely take office at 78 years of age, the hopes for change and redemption lie with the United States Vice Presidential candidate Kamala Harris. After winning the debate against Mike Pence in public opinion by 60-40 percent, she is the leading force of American politics on international relations, climate change, social justice, rule of law, and America returning to democracy - a job like that of "Wonderwoman“ or "Miss America" from the Marvel superhero universe.
Who is Kamala Harris?
Kamala Harris was born to an Indian mother and Jamaican Father in California, United States. Her grandfather was a part of the Indian Independence struggle. Her parents marched against the Vietnam War and for Civil Rights and was an active part of it's organizing and continued to be driving forces in American politics. Kamala Harris failed her fist bar exam but became the first black woman from California and second in the United States to make it to the Senate while being also the second female chair of Cinema for Peace Los Angeles alongside Julia Roberts.
As a United States senator, she introduced criminal justice reform legislation within her first six weeks. In her book "The Truths We Hold", she talks about a case in her early career as an intern which was a defining moment in her life. A young innocent mother was supposed to spend the weekend in jail as the judge did not have enough time to review her case on a Friday afternoon. Harris empathized with the young mother and her children alone at home, pleaded with the clerk to have the case called the same day, and after the judge finally returned and reviewed her case, she was free to go. She realized that day that even with the limited authority as an intern, people who cared can make a difference.
She wrote a striking criticism of the failure of the Trump administration stating: "... we've seen an administration align itself with white supremacists at home and cozy up to dictators abroad; rip babies from their mothers' arms in grotesque violation of their human rights; give corporations and the wealthy huge tax cuts while ignoring the middle class; derail our fight against climate change; sabotage health care and imperil a woman's right to control her own body; all while lashing out at seemingly everything and everyone, including the very idea of a free and independent press". She calls for adherence to the values that America stands for. The rejection of despots, tyrants, and dictators who rule their countries based on their vested interests, the commitment to democracy at home and abroad, adherence to the rule of law, an international order that promotes world peace, and the value she inherited from her parents - "it is the service to others that gives life purpose and meaning".
Kamala Harris was also tough on those who were complicit in crimes. She worked many nights on murder and crime scenes. When the Senate was questioning the qualifications of Gina Haspel as the director of the CIA, her focused and decisive questions on whether Haspel believed, in hindsight, that CIA's use of torture was immoral led to a revealing exchange, which made John McCain lose his trust in Haspel's moral judgments and her sense of responsibility to oppose torture.
Kamala means “lotus flower”. She proved her great compassion and international vision as a speaker at Cinema for Peace Los Angeles when the founder of Cinema for Peace Jaka Bizilj created "Help Haiti Home" for Sean Penn, an annual awareness and fundraising event that raised more than 50 million USD for the victims of the devastating earthquake in Haiti.
Leading a crowd of philanthropists like Elon Musk, CAA's "godfather“ Bryan Lourd, and talents such as George Clooney, Julia Roberts, and Leonardo DiCaprio, Kamala Harris supported Sean Penn and said: ”That moment was not only a moment of tragedy but also a moment of hope. A moment that reminded us of the best of the human spirit. A moment where we saw the saints among us, including our dear friend, Sean Penn, who with the creation of J/P HRO, did the work of leadership showing what we could do as Americans in reaching out to our brothers and sisters around the world."
Kamala Harris with Sean Penn and Hillary Swank at Cinema for Peace Los Angeles.
Mel Gibson, Sean Penn, and Julia Roberts at Cinema for Peace Los Angeles.
Leonardo DiCaprio and Sean Penn at Cinema for Peace Los Angeles.