Monthly Screenings

Screening in the Middle East.

Screening in the Middle East.

Initiated in May 2011, with the presentation of the documentary Restrepo in remembrance of war journalist & photographer Tim Hetherington - killed in April 2011 while reporting the conflicts in Misrata and Libya – the Monthly Screenings Project fulfils the Foundation's mission of furthering worldwide peace through the support of cinematographic works.

Since then, the Cinema for Peace Foundation has held screenings in Berlin, Hamburg, Frankfurt, Vienna, London, Barcelona as well as in Africa, Israel and Palestine. We believe that it is not only important to simply screen a film but also to follow each screening with a discussion. Experts and organisations related to the respective subject of the films are often invited.

In order to inform and educate communities around the world, such films are supported and made widely accessible through the Foundation in an effort to raise awareness about global issues.

All of our screenings are free and open to the public.